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A lovely floral cup of coffee with a structured citric acidity - just what you want from a washed geisha. 


Grown and produced by Jhonatan Gasca, in Huila Colombia. This Geisha has gone through a washed process resulting in a clean and juicy cup profile. 


Origin: Bruselas, Huila, Colombia

Farm: Bella Vista

Altitude: 1540 masl

Shade: Walnut trees, Cedar, Guayacan


Jonathan Gasca, is a young traditional coffee farmer, born in the department with the highest coffee production in Colombia, Pitalito, located in the department of Huila in southern Colombia.

“I was born in a coffee plantation”

says Jhonatan… My grandparents and my parents were always dedicated to coffee farming and although I must thank them for this passion, the truth is that they planted, harvested and sold coffee to those who paid the most, they were dedicated to producing quantity, but not quality, this was the way to have a permanent economic income.


With a determined mind focused on quality speciality coffee, he continues to experiment and learn, interested in really knowing what he sells. In addition, the Lasso family has great motivation, who are friends well known for their excellent specialty coffees. They have been an example for Jonathan to follow and he is excited to be able to reach the level of his coffees. Jonathan and Johan (their brother and partner) dream of worldwide recognition, not only because as they are proud to continue their family’s tradition but also to raise the good name of coffee. 

Gasca Geisha - Filter

15,00 €Price

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